Date Deceased: March 27,2004
Age at Death: 48
Cause of Death: unknown
Classmate City: South Bend
Classmate State: IN
Classmate Country: USA
Survived By: Paula Szikszai (Cochran) (wife) Larry (father) Tim,Troy (brothers)
Todd was a pipefitter for Norfolk Southern. DOB Feb. 18,1956. Death notice appears in Niles Daily Star in March,2004
Julie Maxwell (Morris)
Todd was allround good guy,he had his moments,but mostly all good! We shared an Aunt and Uncle. Todd's dad's sister and my mom's brother. So in our family we were "cousins". When we were kids our family's would go waterskiing,camping, whatever! Family stuff slowed down as us kids got older,every body had thier own thing.After graduation hung out at Plym Park, my brother was into fastpitch softball. Todd was on his team,couple other cousins too. We as a group had a blast at softball games. Lots of good(excellent) adventures at away games!
Miss that great big smile! Todd is missed and loved by many.