Willis C. Dunham, Sr. died on Saturday, November 7, 2009 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He was born on December 28, 1926 in Kalamazoo, Michigan to Charles Dunham and Flossie Margarite Dunham. Will graduated with a BA from Western Michigan University and a Masters degree from Colorado State College. He honorably served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. Will taught Industrial Arts at Niles Senior High School in Niles, Michigan for 39 years. He started the building trades program for his and several other adjoining schools. He also built an airplane in his class with the students. Will loved flying and attended the annual fly in at OshKosh, Wisconsin many times. He was a charter member and deacon at the Bethel Baptist Church in Niles and served in many capacities for the Southwestern Michigan Baptist Association. Will also served on the Baptist State Convention Executive Board and the Mission Service Corps of the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. He also planned and built several churches with the aide of volunteer help. Will also built a Migrant workers mission in Lawton, Michigan which is in Southwestern Michigan.
He is survived by his wife, Jean Ann; daughter Marcie Ann Clark (Class of '74) of Albuquerque, N.M.; son, Willis C. Dunham, Jr. of Albuquerque; granddaughters, Molly A. Clark and Hannah R. Clark both of Albuquerque, N.M. and Kelsie L. Dunham and Kinsie J. Dunham of Carrollton, Texas; great granddaughter Story Ann Rael of Albuquerque, N.M.; sisters-in-law, Betty Meyers of Jefferson City, Missouri and Dr. Barbara Thompson of Kansas City, Missouri. Services will be held at Del Norte Baptist Church, 5800 Montgomery Blvd., N.E. on Friday, November 13, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. Burial will follow at Sante Fe National Cemetary at 2:00 p.m. with U.S. Army honors.
Katherine Holloway
Mr. Dunham Sr. was a very large influence and reason in my life for some of my first successful opportunities.I went through a very difficult time in High School with my parents split up, without details I had to quit HS and work and go onto a continuation school. I had been in Mr. Dunhams Architectural Drawing class and loved it! I excelled with his direction and patients in that class, he was the best teacher ever. He had a way with his students..he seemed to know exactly what each of us needed to "get it", I remember the class as being intense as in all of us so into our projects that it was often quiet with deep thought and production of ideas, critiques were always creative. He encouraged us to share our ideas rather than be competative.
When Mr. Dunaham realized why I hadn't been to class he approached me and told me I could come into his class and learn anytime, even if I were not enrolled. He had run this idea past the classmates and all agreed it would be ok with them. That is just the way he was! His class room was at the end of the parking lot and easy to sneak into without being noticed. And so I did for as long as I could. Thank You Mr. Dunham.
When I left town at 19 I moved to Evergreen Colorado and got a job for an Architect, they were looking for an assistant, when they realized my knowledge they let me do site plans, renderings, floor plans, kitchen remodels and eventually run thier blue print business and I wrote (and learned how to type 90 WPM) all the specs for the existing Fire Station in Evergreen Colorado!!!!
I was making $20.00 an hour at 20 years old. Thank You Mr. Dunham.
I could not have done this without his love and compassion for his talent and teaching. He instilled confidence in me. Thank You Mr. Dunham.
I am so sad for his passing and for me thinking that he had already passed. I would have loved to tell him in person my appreciation and adventures due to his class.
I know he would have laughed.
Thats the way I remember Mr. Dunham Sr.
Sincere Katherine Hollowy