50th Class Reunion Survey

The 50th reunion organizing committee is busy developing activities for us all to enjoy together the weekend of August 2nd and 3rd, 2024.  But we need your input!  Please take a moment to complete the questions below so we can get a better idea of possible head counts ---as well as those special songs to provide our DJ to get all to the dance floor!  

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

* Answer Required
1)   * Friday night August 2nd from 6-11 p.m. at Joey Armadillo's is scheduled for a relaxing meet and greet. Cost is tentative at $5.00 per person. Would you attend this meet and greet?

Yes No
2)   * Golf is planned for Friday, August 2nd at Orchard Hills Country Club. Tee time is tentative at 10-10:30. Cost is tentative at $75.00 per person which includes the cart. Do you think you would play golf on Friday?

Yes No
3)   * Golf is also scheduled for Saturday, August 3rd at Orchard Hills Country Club. Tee time is tentative at 10:30-11:00. Again cost is tentative at $75.00 per person which includes the cart. Do you think you would play golf on Saturday?

Yes No
4)   * Our formal class reunion is scheduled for Saturday evening, August 3rd at Orchard Hill County Club. Dinner and dancing is planned with other fun activities. Do you plan to attend the reunion? We sure hope you are!

Yes No
5)   * If you plan to attend the reunion the evening of August 3rd, how many people will be in your party?

Example: If you and another person will be attending together, please indicate 2 attendees.
6)   Please provide up to 10 titles of your favorite 70's songs! We will be providing this information to the DJ to get the place jumping!

7)   Do you have any questions or concerns for the 50th Reunion organizing committee to address?

This survey ended on 08/01/2024.